smokingRant on…

Today I took my kids to Kindergarten- a task that is usually my husband’s, but he had to rush off for a meeting. It’s a task I enjoy doing- once in a while. I like it because I see the other half of the families that I see in the afternoon – it looks like our routine of Daddy-drop-off and Mummy-pick-up (or vice-versa) is repeated all over the city.

However, today I didn’t enjoy it quite so much. I was a bit shocked actually. And then I was indignant. And now I’m writing about it.

Smoking. I couldn’t believe the number of parents (I’ll assume they were) walking along the street with their children, and smoking. One even with the baby in a sling- puffing away over her head, using her as an ash tray for all I know. Ok, for most of you smokers, this was the first trip out of the house today, and you are proud to say that you don’t smoke at home any more (probably not true). So this was the first chance you had to fill your lungs with the ‘good stuff’. You just couldn’t wait to get your little ones that 500 metres down the road to drop them off first, before lighting up. Really? Really??

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